Friday, September 5, 2008

Microsoft's hyped up ad is buzzing with nothing

What's up with the new ad that depicts Bill Gates and Jerry Seinfeld? It's barely related to Microsoft! So what is up with all this talk about it? Everyone seems to think the ad is useless. Well, I don't think so.

Think about it like this: Microsoft wanted everyone to start talking about their ads, to give it lots of attention, and maybe strengthen the brand name. Bill Gates and Jerry Seinfeld are both iconic figures of our society. I'm sure most people have AT LEAST seen or heard their names somewhere. Now we've got this combination of the genius who became the "corporate villain" and then uses the money to give back to society, and then we've got the Jerry Seinfeld persona.
Most people are probably thinking the ad was a complete failure, but it's actually going according to plan. Microsoft wanted to start conversations and make everyone talk about them. It looks like it's going the right way. The ad was probably a way to kick off their campaign, although even to me, it seems a little TOO much about nothing related to Microsoft.

Soon, with the next few ads and commercials, they will start to introduce their products, and try to make everyone think that their products are the standard and that you can trust them. I suspect that this strategy will cause a lot more anticipation and talk about the next few ads than if they started with an ad that was promoting their products. It's obviously something that people may want to pay more attention to, now that they feel as if Microsoft did it wrong the first time. We'll just have to see how it plays out, and it'll likely continue to be an effective marketing plan.
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