Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Google's new Chrome Browser Comes out with a bang!

Google's new Chrome browser beta came out today, and with a lot of buzz all over. The thing that everyone is talking about, is just how fast it seems to be, even being able to run Javascript many times faster than browsers like Firefox and Safari. If you want, you can download it here.
What's google saying about this? Well, they wanted to make this browser to increase the competition between browsers, and wanted to add speed to web browsing that had never been achieved before, thus allowing more code to be added to web pages, or allows developers to make bigger programs to run on websites. They seem to value Javascript as one of the key components of the web today, and no without good reason. As such, their Chrome is able to run Javascript at extremely high speeds.

Google's success in general has always been based on speed. This was the case with their search engine, where they found people searched more if the pages loaded faster. Now they're going to apply the same logic, and it's probably great that they did. When you think about it, Chrome probably won't be able to overtake Internet Explorer, simply because people won't go to the trouble of downloading a new browser, and that most people seem to think Internet Explorer is the standard (after all, it's named Internet Explorer...). But google is saying that they will consider a much improvement IE9 to also be a victory for them. It seems that google is almost guaranteed a success then, in their terms.

Why is google's browser this fast? It's because of 2 things, one of which is the Webkit project that Safari also uses, and the other is probably the more important one, a new V8 project to run Javascript faster. You can find more information about this project here. Javascript has been one of the fundamentals of the web pages, but it unfortunately runs too slowly conventionally. In our earlier blog post, I explained about Firefox 3.1's new TraceMonkey and the logic behind it. Well, google also believes in the importance of Javascript.

Exactly how fast is Chrome? Well, you can see a chart for the comparison of browser speeds at CNET news. Keep in mind that these tests are based on google's own, so they may not be exactly accurate, but the figures probably won't be too bad. It's really astonishing to see a comparison like this; you'll see what I mean after you click here. Now if only google will add extensions and customizations etc, then it will really make lots of people use it. If this doesn't significantly impact Microsoft on their current IE8, then I don't know what will. 3/4 of people currently use IE, and that's really unfortunate, seeing how slow IE is compared to other browsers. Microsoft better step it up before Google adds extensions and customizations, or they might just lose a lot of their customers.
More updates on google chrome will come later.
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David Gerard said...

“We are so, so happy with Google Chrome,” mumbled Mozilla CEO John Lilly through gritted teeth. “That most of our income is from Google has no bearing on me making this statement.”
