Thursday, September 11, 2008

Gates and Seinfeld 2nd ad out, but still no Microsoft

Today, the 2nd ad of Microsoft's ad campaign to rebuild the Windows image still abuzz once more, but there's still not much Microsoft! It was a two-part commercial, where Seinfeld and Gates move in with a family to connect with them. They are getting closer and closer to actually promoting Microsoft, but not quite there yet.

I would've expected this commercial to include something related to promoting Microsoft, instead of another opening campaign commercial. This commercial is probably one to increase the alrready high level of notice that people have for Microsoft in general. Perhaps they want to make sure everyone is ready for when the real commercials kick in.

So what exactly IS in the commercial? Well, Seinfeld and Gates are moved in to a normal family, try to connect with "real people". Then they manage to annoy the teen girl, by forcing her out of her room, and then they get set up to look as if they stole a family heirloom. Finally, they decide to leave, with Gates saying, "You're not so real." Then they walk off, and Gates does the robot dance. Right afterwards, there's a little bit about the PC. It says Perpetually Connecting, then PC, followed by the Windows icon.

So it seems they're getting into the product promotion stage, and starting off the image building process. Their plan? Microsoft spokesman Eric Hollreiser says, "It allows you to have a different kind of conversation after you've disarmed (the audience) a bit."
On the next commercial, there's got to be some more product promotion. Afterall, these commercials do cost a lot, and they need to start getting somewhere. If you'd like to watch a video of both the 1st and 2nd commercial, just head to the windows homepage.

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