Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Getting past spam filters with Art

ASCII art has been around for a long while. But news is, it can be used for getting past spam filters.Recently, there have been much more of this kind of spam than ever before. You may soon see some of this spam as well in your inbox (Yeah, I said inbox not junk, not a typing error ).
Most spam filters detect spam by keywords or url links that filters detect as spam websites. However, with ASCII art, spam filters won't be able to detect the spam messages. This is because the art is basically a huge number of characters that together form a message while individually meaning nothing. Unfortunately for the spammers, we have no need to worry about this because of its current inefficiency.
By using this technique, spammers can't use clickable links and the messages can easily be unclear even to the reader. This makes the spam messages pretty useless. If you'd like to find out more about ASCII art, you can jsut search it up, and you'll probably find a lot of generators for ASCII as well.

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