Friday, August 29, 2008

Better Satelite imaging resolution from google to come

Soon, Google will be upgrading their satellite imaging by using a new higher resolution satellite for their services. Google maps and Google Earth are two such services that use Google's current satellite imaging technology which, at its worst, can only be used for large geographic objects at 15 square meters per pixel.

The new satellite will be provided by GeoEye, and in their deal, google will be the exclusive right holder for the use of GeoEye's satellite for an online mapping service. It also includes the placement of the google logo on the satellite itself. This new satellite will be able to provide resolutions of 41 cm but under the liscense with the U.S. government, google will only be allowed to provide 50 cm resolutions.

I think this will probably be a useful upgrade to google maps for people who like to pick out specific locations on their map. Although, I really don't think this higher resolution will actaully do anything to help the majority of people. Google's current technology can already see individual houses, and there's not much more beyond that, that people need. Perhaps it will have a better use in the future. Would you like this new resolution? Leave a comment and discuss it here.

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