Monday, November 16, 2009

The Real Microsoft: Windows Azure

Whenever Microsoft is criticized for being cumbersome and not innovative, it always seems to come out on top regardless. Some people think it's because Microsoft tends to have great vision, but never tell the world about it until they're already there. Others say Microsoft is just an evil company that uses its monopoly to do whatever it wants.

I think the reality is that Microsoft knows what it's doing, and they do it well, even if they need some serious competition to make them do something. When Microsoft gained dominance with Windows, and everybody started using Microsoft products on their new PCs, it seemed like there was nothing left for them to do. That's when they stopped really doing anything. Then came along Netscape, and things really changed, as they worked hard on IE and overtook Netscape shortly after.

Time and time again, Microsoft faces its challenges head on and is able to succeed even if they have what others seem to think is a bad start.

This time shouldn't be any different. People are saying that Microsoft failed to embrace the cloud, that they are too focused on their Windows and Office products. This is completely invalid, as Microsoft has expanded their product offerings to include most aspects of technology in people's life: Client operating systems, mobile, server, Xbox 360, ZuneHD, Office, Bing, Exchange, and very soon Windows Azure.

Azure is the first of its kind, a large scale product that truly provides developers with access to software development on the cloud, a product that allows a whole cloud computing experience, and more. This is Microsoft's answer to Google and other companies' cloud offerings, and there's no reason for it not to succeed.

Soon, we will witness the fruits of Microsoft's labour yet again.

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