Saturday, October 4, 2008

Obama makes 6 Times more Spam than McCain, Palin also leads Biden

One must wonder during the elections, that who is really winning? Whether or not the spam levels of Seneator Barack Obama and Gov. Sarah Palin, is an indicator of that, it is definitely interesting.

A recent report at PC Magazine states that in a study by Secure Computing, Sen. Barack Obama (during september)"easily topped the use of his opponent, Sen. John McCain, by 6 to 1."
Gov. Sarah Palin on the other hand, won over her rival "Sen. Joe Biden, by a ratio of 5 to 4 during the month of September".
Obama and Palin then, obviously are winning the "spam debate", as they have much more spam than their rivals. This massive spam difference between Sen. Barack Obama and Sen. John McCain, may be telling us who the the online world is talking about. (and who the spammers like most)

Apparently, the spam levels massively increased at the time of the Republican National Convention on Sept. 3.
Still, the spam itself doesn't really mean anything, and if anything, still uses as many provocative words and phrases as possible to get readers to click and open the source email.
And in the case of Sen. Obama,

"Though the spam message content itself is nonsensical, the basic themes of the Obama email content does tend to revolve around the shallow factors that are espoused in the mainstream media as central campaign issues: race, disputes with Clinton, messianic oratory, and FOX news smears," Secure Computing wrote. "The McCain spam subjects are equally driven by shallow media propaganda, revolving around age and wealth."
And in the online news world, PC Magazine says,

"By comparison, news stories citing Obama or McCain favored McCain, 10 to 9. Web sites mentioning Obama outrank those that cite McCain, 3 to 2. But the spam associated with Sarah Palin is closer to the news stories or Web sites mentioning Palin, both of which outstrip Biden citations by 7 to 2."
With all this spam, one wonders what might be coming next? Secure Computing says that this next month of October, could see the uprising of spam relating to either the banks which were "either were taken over or went under, such as Wachovia and Washington Mutual."
Oddly enough, there seems to also been an increase in spam that has no real meaning to it, or "gibberish spam", which could mean problems relating to the spam software, or something else.

Malware has also been spread in the form of a certain video about Sen. Obama. Be careful when receiving such messages, and it's best to just ignore them.
Spam is always changing, and it's going to change along with current events. Perhaps the level of spam is indicating to us what are the hot topics online, and what isn't being talked about a lot. It may not show what the election results will be, but it's definitely something interesting to know.

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