Saturday, October 4, 2008

Incoming Updates Blog | BlitzTech Blog

Recently, we implemented many changes, including a new site policies page, and I have reason to believe that we might be adding many more policies to what we have on there so far. That's why I'm taking this opportunity to let you all know that I will change the format of it, so I can list each individual policy with a link to it, instead of listing all of it on the same page. This makes it look cleaner and easy to go through.

We also have changed certain aspects of the blog that are less noticeable such as the ---END OF POST--- beneath every post. It seems weird, but it's there to let you know that anything below it, is actually a part of the webpage's html and not inside the content of the posts.
We've also changes the site title and description, but I suspect it might undergo even more changes. I've encountered a problem with the subscribe via email widget at the top of the page, and I'm unsure of how it can be fixed. I will get back to this, as it isn't very important how it looks, as long as it's available.
In the future, I may also post certain information that is only available to feed readers and email subscribers.

That pretty much sums up what we've done so far, and I'll continue to post updates on our blog here. Stay tuned for our monthly huge update later this month!

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