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Saturday, October 11, 2008
Reviews of Automotive Schools in the USA
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
RealDVD pulled temporarily by fed judge in MPAA lawsuit
Recently, RealNetwork's new RealDVD software was released, following an onslaught of legal problems about the software's ability to create a copy of DVDs for personal use. The Motion Pictures Association of America (MPAA) decided to sue them for allowing the burning of DVDs and circumventing the DVD protection, thus pirating the movie, and possibly allow further piracy by releasing it onto the web. They asked for a restraining order on the product to prevent RealNetworks from further selling it and stop the piracy that RealDVD could be causing.
In our coverage of the issue, we told you that RealDVD sued first, then MPAA sued back. MPAA had said
"RealNetworks' RealDVD should be called StealDVD," Greg Goeckner, executive vice president and general counsel for the MPAA, said in a statement. "RealNetworks knows its product violates the law and undermines the hard-won trust that has been growing between America's movie makers and the technology community."While RealDVD had fought against them, claiming their product was not violating anything, and in fact added extra layers of Digital Rights Management to the copies made.
Now, a federal judge has asked RealNetworks to temporarily discontinue the distribution of their RealDVD product, at least until the next court session.
"We temporarily suspended distribution of the product until tomorrow," said Seattle-based RealNetworks' spokesman Ryan Luckin.The MPAA said they were prohibited from commenting on the case.
Currently, the RealDVD product has been pulled from the website, and the link was removed, and it now says
"Rest assured, we will continue to work diligently to provide you with software that allows you to make a legal copy of your DVDs for your own use."
As I said earlier, piracy is a growing concern for the MPAA, because they fear that piracy will increase and becoming easier because customers will be able to illegally make copies of their content, and then keep a movie after they rent it by using a product such as RealDVD. Although this may or may not be the case, (RealNetworks says otherwise), piracy is definitely a major concern here. They are concerned that if RealDVD can win this case, and make it legal to make copies of DVDs on people's hard drives, then more products similar to RealDVD could be made, and causing a host of problems for the MPAA, and with piracy in general even in other industries.
RealDVD is saying that their case was preceeded by the case of DVD Copy Control Association v. Kaleidescape. The MPAA argues back that their software is merely getting around copyright protection.
It's still unclear who will win this case, but if RealNetworks can win it, then this could be an incredible step towards more free movie content and may affect other industries too. Undoubtedly, RealDVD could be exploited for purposes relating to piracy by experienced hackers.
Search ad revenues still climbs, no sign of slowing down
With the latest financial problems at Wall Street and the credit crunch, one would really think the online advertising industry would start slowing down. However, this doesn't seem to be the case so far, but there is yet to come.
Here's a bit of what CNET said about it:
Despite an economic turndown, online advertising--and search in particular--is managing to keep its market intact, according to reports on Tuesday by an industry trade group and Wall Street analyst.
According to the Interactive Advertising Bureau, Internet advertising revenues rose 15.2 percent, to $11.5 billion during the first six months of the year, compared with the same period last year. And search advertising grabbed a larger piece of the share, accounting for 44 percent of the market--up 3 percentage points.
Search advertising generated nearly $5.1 billion during the first half of the year, up 24 percent from a year ago. Display advertising, meanwhile, also grew at a double-digit pace of 19 percent to $3.8 billion over the course of the first half of the year.
(Credit: Interactive Advertising Bureau)
But what about the third quarter and the market meltdown during the early days of the fourth quarter?
Two players in online advertising say conditions are remaining stable, according to a Tuesday report by JPMorgan analyst Imran Khan.
Search engine marketing (SEM) companies such as Didit and Reprise Media report that third-quarter search budgets were up, mainly due to a shift from more traditional marketing to search advertising.
Well, obviously the search advertising industry isn't going anywhere anytime soon. However, things could still change according to the way the economy is going right now. It's pretty foolish to think that the credit crunch will have no effect on the online advertising industry, because it will affect a lot of new companies, and even bigger companies, because they have to start going into the bunker mode, and one of the first places that they can start cutting is advertising.
True, there seems to be evidence that advertising is still yet climbing, but this could be due to the changes in search advertising itself, now including more industries, so as to gain revenue from a bigger source.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Obama makes 6 Times more Spam than McCain, Palin also leads Biden
One must wonder during the elections, that who is really winning? Whether or not the spam levels of Seneator Barack Obama and Gov. Sarah Palin, is an indicator of that, it is definitely interesting.
A recent report at PC Magazine states that in a study by Secure Computing, Sen. Barack Obama (during september)"easily topped the use of his opponent, Sen. John McCain, by 6 to 1."
Gov. Sarah Palin on the other hand, won over her rival "Sen. Joe Biden, by a ratio of 5 to 4 during the month of September".
Obama and Palin then, obviously are winning the "spam debate", as they have much more spam than their rivals. This massive spam difference between Sen. Barack Obama and Sen. John McCain, may be telling us who the the online world is talking about. (and who the spammers like most)
Apparently, the spam levels massively increased at the time of the Republican National Convention on Sept. 3.
Still, the spam itself doesn't really mean anything, and if anything, still uses as many provocative words and phrases as possible to get readers to click and open the source email.
And in the case of Sen. Obama,
"Though the spam message content itself is nonsensical, the basic themes of the Obama email content does tend to revolve around the shallow factors that are espoused in the mainstream media as central campaign issues: race, disputes with Clinton, messianic oratory, and FOX news smears," Secure Computing wrote. "The McCain spam subjects are equally driven by shallow media propaganda, revolving around age and wealth."And in the online news world, PC Magazine says,
With all this spam, one wonders what might be coming next? Secure Computing says that this next month of October, could see the uprising of spam relating to either the banks which were "either were taken over or went under, such as Wachovia and Washington Mutual."
"By comparison, news stories citing Obama or McCain favored McCain, 10 to 9. Web sites mentioning Obama outrank those that cite McCain, 3 to 2. But the spam associated with Sarah Palin is closer to the news stories or Web sites mentioning Palin, both of which outstrip Biden citations by 7 to 2."
Oddly enough, there seems to also been an increase in spam that has no real meaning to it, or "gibberish spam", which could mean problems relating to the spam software, or something else.
Malware has also been spread in the form of a certain video about Sen. Obama. Be careful when receiving such messages, and it's best to just ignore them.
Spam is always changing, and it's going to change along with current events. Perhaps the level of spam is indicating to us what are the hot topics online, and what isn't being talked about a lot. It may not show what the election results will be, but it's definitely something interesting to know.
New Investment Oppourtunities with Inner 8
With the recent economic issues and such, like the Wall Street Collapse and the credit crunch, many people are finding it hard to sustain themselves well.
What they need is to look at new opportunities to create income, and also a secure way of doing it, especially in light of problems in the financial sector at Wall Street. With the recent bailout plan by the U.S. Government, there is definitely hope with the economy going back up and strong, but we can't rely on it.
That's why I think Inner 8 is such a great opportunity to be seized! With Inner8, it's real easy to start an investment, but you can also rest assured that you have full control of your investment.
With many traditional investment techniques, the gurus (experts) are hailed as having complete knowledge of the sector, and you have to trust them. It's with Inner8 that "makes it easy to build your own smart, private, inner-circle of trusted investors powered by our new proprietary analytics. You get profitable investment ideas, demonstrate your own expertise and save a bundle on investment suggestions."
By using their service, you can learn, but also keep control with a private community made up of you, and other selected investors. All you need to do is sign up and create a network, and start getting valuable advice from the experts, so you can create highly informed decisions with your investments, without being bossed around by the "gurus". True investors have a broad understanding of investing, and can act on their own. So stop letting your broker do EVERYTHING for you, and start getting good advice instead.
Incoming Updates Blog | BlitzTech Blog
Recently, we implemented many changes, including a new site policies page, and I have reason to believe that we might be adding many more policies to what we have on there so far. That's why I'm taking this opportunity to let you all know that I will change the format of it, so I can list each individual policy with a link to it, instead of listing all of it on the same page. This makes it look cleaner and easy to go through.
We also have changed certain aspects of the blog that are less noticeable such as the ---END OF POST--- beneath every post. It seems weird, but it's there to let you know that anything below it, is actually a part of the webpage's html and not inside the content of the posts.
We've also changes the site title and description, but I suspect it might undergo even more changes. I've encountered a problem with the subscribe via email widget at the top of the page, and I'm unsure of how it can be fixed. I will get back to this, as it isn't very important how it looks, as long as it's available.
In the future, I may also post certain information that is only available to feed readers and email subscribers.
That pretty much sums up what we've done so far, and I'll continue to post updates on our blog here. Stay tuned for our monthly huge update later this month!
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If you ever have trouble with the law, then you can contact them, and see what they can do for you.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Blog Journey - Increase Blog/Website Traffic with social Bookmarking websites Tip 1
As you may have recalled, I mentioned in our monthly update that we would be posting tips on blogging and my own blogging journey. This will be the first of those tips today, though these tips aren't in any specific order.
This particular tip is about traffic, or rather, how to get more traffic without SEOing your blog/website. The problem with SEO is that, many times it can be difficult for you to optimize your website, because there already are many other websites out there, competing directly with you. So how can you directly get exposure for your blog?
The key is using social bookmarking websites such as Digg, when you are first starting out. This is one of the main focuses of my traffic gaining attempts when I first created this blog. If you're just starting out, chances are, search engines won't pay much attention to you, and result in lower ranking on SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). As previously stated, this can be very helpful to gaining traffic when you first begin to blog, but as you advance, you will have to use other techniques, or simply let your readers take over the bookmarking process.
Why are social bookmarking websites effective at getting traffic when you first begin? It's because they provide immediate blog/website exposure to gain potential traffic for your blog. You probably won't make the top of the lists in terms of popularity, but you can certainly be sure that you will receive traffic, as long as you make attractive titles, and provide good content. That is one of the first advantages of using such websites to help you. There are others, but I will talk about those later, so be sure to subscribe to our feed if you don't want to miss any!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
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Looking for an Illinois Mortgage? Then you need a broker, and you can find one easily and be sure that they will help you well, because they are certified ClickSmart Experts that you can count on! They pre-screen 15 professionals to help you find the best Illinois mortgage broker or loan officer.
Getting a mortgage in Illinois can be easy. With this powerful directory website, not only do consumers benefit, but if you want to become a certified expert, you can also benefit by gaining a new source of customers, and more exposure for a small business. Try it now, and find what you need!
NDA dropped for iPhone developers
Apple has finally dropped the Non-disclosure agreement for developing apps for the iPhone and iPod Touch. However, it only applies to released software, so developers currently developing apps will still have to follow NDA.
This is Apple's explanation of why they are dropping NDA:
We put the NDA in place because the iPhone OS includes many Apple inventions and innovations that we would like to protect, so that others don't steal our work. It has happened before. While we have filed for hundreds of patents on iPhone technology, the NDA added yet another level of protection. We put it in place as one more way to help protect the iPhone from being ripped off by others.So it seems many problems have now been finally resolved by this, however, there is still more to do for Apple, as many developers want clear guidelines for their apps so they don't waste their time, and then get rejected. I still think Apple should make their unreleased software unrestricted by NDA as well, because that is the only way developers will get any help from the outside. Then again, Apple is based on having lots of control, so what can you do?However, the NDA has created too much of a burden on developers, authors and others interested in helping further the iPhone's success, so we are dropping it for released software. Developers will receive a new agreement without an NDA covering released software within a week or so. Please note that unreleased software and features will remain under NDA until they are released
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