Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Blitz Tech Goes live!

At long last BlitzTech is here! Welcome to BlitzTech, everyone! For everyone out there, who was waiting for us to finally go live, this is that day! BlitzTech is now ready to show its face to the world out there, and hopefully, you'll like what we have to say.

I'm sure now that BlitzTech is live, you're wondering what we're going to be talking about here. For one thing, you can check the description of the site! But seriously though, I can guarantee that there whenever there's really big news in the technology sector, you will see it here. Also, be sure to look out for the many product reviews that are coming. Unfortunately, these reviews will not be with us for a bit, but they will soon. We will soon implement a strategy for you to browse our soon-to-be vast database of information.

Don't forget, if you ever have any comments, feel free to give them whether its about the site, article, product, or anything related. You can do so by submitting a comment directly via the comments button or you can also submit feedback by emailing me at (don't email me lol, use the comments feature. But if you must, the email listed for my profile isn't going to work because I don't use it, so use this: billpwnsyou[at]hotmail[dot]com).

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